2010年 11月1日

Lina-san:Nature 2010 vol. 466, no. 7310, vol. 467, no. 7311 and 7312.
1) Mechanism of the DNA end-resection machinery
The authors successfully reconstituted the first eukaryotic ATP-dependent DNA end-resection machinery comprising the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 complex, the Sgs1-Top3-Rmi1 complex, Dna2 protein and the heterotrimeric ssDNA-binding protein RPA in vitro. By using the system, they show that DNA strand separation during end resection is mediated by the Sgs1 helicase function, in a manner that is enhanced by Top3-Rmi1 and MRX. As well as the PomA-PomB complex, the reconstitution in vitro provides us important information for understanding of the molecular mechanism of biological phenomenon.
2) Crystal structures of an antiporter CaiT from Proteus mirabilis at 2.3-Å and from Escherichia coli at 3.5-Å resolution.
The three-dimensional structure of CaiT resembles that of the Na+-dependent transporters LeuT and BetP, but in CaiT a methionine sulphur takes the place of the Na+ ion to coordinate the substrate in the central site, accounting for Na+-independent transport. Interestingly, the structure of CaiT from Proteus mirabilis is different from that from Escherichia coli. From the fact, they discussed about the transport mechanism whereby the occupied regulatory site increases the binding affinity of the transport site and initiates substrate translocation.

吉住さん:Cell 2010 vol. 141, no.5, vol. 142, no.6.
1) 聴覚の話。音は内耳で受容されて電気信号に変換されるわけですが、振動を感知するhair cellを構成する細胞骨格(アクチン繊維)についての研究でした。ヒト遺伝性難聴家系からTRIOBP遺伝子の変異を同定し、TRIOBPがhair cell根本に集合しており、ノックアウトマウスでは難聴になった。つまり、根はhair cellを固定して剛性を保ち、形態を維持するために不可欠である事を明らかにしています。同じ五感でも視覚に比べると圧倒的にその分子メカニズムがわかっていないのだなと感じました。