
瀧口金吾(Kingo Takiguchi)

研究課題 細胞骨格蛋白質による生体膜の形態変化・細胞骨格蛋白質の運動機構
職名 助教
生年月日 1961年12月
学位 理学博士
最終学歴 名古屋大学
専門分野 生物物理学
所属学会 日本生物物理学会
The American Society for Cell Biology
ホームページ http://bunshi4.bio.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~4takiguchiy/liposome-group/lipo-frame.html
連絡先 j46037acc.nagoya-u.ac.jp



  • Quantitative Evaluation of Injected Molecules into Phospholipid-coated Micro-droplets for In-situ
    Masahiro Nakajima,Yuta Matsuno,Masaru Kojima,Yohko Tanaka-Takiguchi, Kingo Takiguchi, Kousuke Nogawa,Michio Homma,and Toshio Fukuda
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, in press (2010)
  • Dynamic behavior of giant liposomes at desired osmotic pressures.
    Ohno, M., Hamada, T., Takiguchi, K. & Homma, M.
    Langmuir. (2009) 25(19): 11680-11685. PubMed
  • Septin-Mediated Uniform Bracing of Phospholipid Membranes.
    Tanaka-Takiguchi, Y., Kinoshita, M. & Takiguchi, K.
    Current Biology 19:1-6. (2009)


  • Formation and maintenance of tubular membrane projections: experiments and numerical calculations.
    Umeda, T., Inaba, T., Ishijima, A., Takiguchi, K, & Hotani, H.
    Biosystems 93: 115-119. (2008)
  • Entrapping desired amounts of actin filaments and molecular motor proteins in giant liposomes.
    Takiguchi, K., Yamada, A., Negishi, M., Tanaka-Takiguchi, Y. & Yoshikawa, K.
    Langmuir 24: 11323-11326. (2008)


  • Opening of holes in liposomal membranes is induced by proteins possessing the FERM domain.
    Takeda, S., Saitoh, A., Furuta, M., Satomi, N., Ishino, A., Nishida, G., Sudo, H., Hotani. H. & Takiguchi K.
    Journal of Molecular Biology 362: 403-413. (2006)


  • Theoretical analysis of opening-up vesicles with single and two holes.
    Umeda, T., Suezaki, Y., Takiguchi K. & Hotani, H.
    Physical Review E 71, Article No. 011913 (2005)
  • Formation and maintenance of tubular membrane projections require mechanical force, but their elongation and shortening do not require additional force.
    Inaba, T., Ishijima, A., Honda, M., Nomura, F., Takiguchi, K. & Hotani, H.
    Journal of Molecular Biology 348: 325-333. (2005)
  • Stepwise shrinkage of liposomes driven by thermal fluctuations of the membranes.
    Umeda, T., Nomura, F., Inaba, T., Takiguchi, K. & Hotani, H.
    ChemPhysChem 6: 1047-1050. (2005)
  • Role of the basic C-terminal half of caldesmon on its regulation of F-actin: comparison between caldesmon and calponin.
    Takiguchi, K. & Matsumura, F.
    Journal of Biochemistry 138: 805-813. (2005)


  • Microscopic observations reveal that fusogenic peptides induce liposome shrinkage prior to membrane fusion.
    Nomura, F., Inaba, T., Ishikawa, S., Nagata, M., Takahashi, S., Hotani, H. & Takiguchi, K.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 101: 3420-3425. (2004)
  • The elongation and contraction of actin bundles are induced by double-headed myosins in a motor concentration-dependent manner.
    Tanaka-Takiguchi, Y., Kakei, T., Tanimura, A., Takagi, A., Honda, M., Hotani, H. &, Takiguchi, K.
    Journal of Molecular Biology 341: 467-476. (2004)


  • Mechanical analyses of morphological and topological transformation of liposomes.
    Hotani, H., Inaba, T., Nomura, F., Takeda, S., Takiguchi, K., Itoh, T. J., Umeda, T. & Ishijima, A.
    Biosystems 71: 93-100. (2003)


  • 野村 典正、稲葉 岳彦、滝口 金吾
    生物物理(日本生物物理学会誌) 45: 94-96. (2005)


  • 稲葉 岳彦、石島 秋彦、滝口 金吾、宝谷 紘一
    液晶(日本液晶学会誌) 10 (3): 260-268. (2006)
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